David has a really great job, for which I'm very grateful (even if it's in Albuquerque). Every year they do a corporate event, and this year involved a trip to see the Isotopes play. For those of you who don't watch In Plain Sight (which is actually set in Albuquerque, as opposed to just filmed there), the Isotopes are the AAA team for the LA Dodgers. I like baseball, probably more than any other sport, so when he asked if I wanted to go, I said yes. I've been to a fair number of Braves games (our family team), and baseball games have just about the right pacing for me (especially now that I spend half my time in the bathroom). Now granted, a AAA field isn't that big, but I was delighted to find our seats were in the second row, about 10 feet from the third base foul line. We settled in to watch the game and enjoyed seeing the Isotopes score lots of runs (I'm not into nailbiters). As the seventh inning rolled around, I told David we could leave after the seventh inning stretch if he wanted since I was getting tired.
"What's the seventh inning stretch?"
I was astonished. As I explained that everyone gets up and sings Take Me Out to the Ballgame, he kind of looked at me...and asked why. He actually asked that a lot during the game--like when they had the taco/salsa/chile/pepper race around the bases. Why do they have entertainment between each team's at-bats? At least baseball fans don't need scantily clad women jumping around to keep them entertained (cheerleaders). Anyway, I explained that you get up and stretch (hence the name). So the middle of the seventh inning rolls around, and I start singing with everyone else, and I look at David and...he's not singing. I guess he didn't feel the need to fully experience an American Tradition. :) In his defense, his favorite sport is soccer, and soccer fans don't need mascot races or cheerleaders to keep them interested. I told him that someday, he could teach our kids how to play soccer and I would take them to baseball games.
Uh...soccer fans don't need entertainment to keep them interested? I know soccer, I have played soccer, I understand the finer points of soccer, and let's just say, if I had to watch a whole game uninterrupted, I would be playing a LOT of internet Scrabble!