So back to yesterday, which seems like forever ago. I woke up at 4ish, unable to sleep. We managed to make it until 6:30am before heading down to the biggest breakfast buffet I have ever seen. I will try to remember to take the iPad down tomorrow for pictures. I also finally got my fill of coffee. After breakfast, we skyped with the family and figured out the Chinese characters for haw fruit snacks (according to our update, Elizabeth's favorite snack). I just wish my Chinese speaking family members were here. ;). The concierge pointed us to the nearest supermarket, and we found lots of snacks, noodles, and even bakwa. We had some lunch, then hung out (somewhat anxiously) until 2:00.
Buying some special treats for Liz.
Our driver took us down to the civil office, and after a few minutes of waiting, there she was. She came right into my arms, but oh so serious the whole time. We brought her back to the bench and got out the fruit snacks...instant friend! I was struck by how curious she was about the toys we brought--we will not have to teach her to play. :)
I filled out a bunch of paperwork, then the orphanage caretaker came over and gave us some things for her. She brought a whole box of formula--we had planned to buy some, so it was nice not to worry about doing that right away. Then our guide mentioned that Elizabeth had a little cough, and the caretaker proceeded to take out 4 different types of medicine and attempted to fill me in on all the dosages and schedules. Thankfully, our doctor gave us a prescription for any kind of upper respiratory infection Liz might have. Of course, I broke out the "we will just give her American medicine," feeling somewhat bad about the fact that they brought all this other stuff for her. After getting grilled by the doctor at the medical exam this morning, I no longer feel bad and am trying not to be annoyed that they keep trying to tell me how to take care of her...mostly related to the whole 'hot/cold' theory.
We ended up taking all the medicine along with the little girl who is our daughter. She was very serious but very calm all the way through dinner. She enjoyed the hybrid bath/shower, especially when she discovered splashing. Again, I have just been so struck by how curious and inquisitive she is.
Then we tried to get to sleep and the crying began. Suffice to say she eventually fell asleep in her crib. Now it's time for dinner, but before we leave, I will also say that we've gotten many more smiles and laughs today to make up for the miserable attempt at napping from this afternoon. She is also ticklish!
She's so adorable! And you already have her laughing! It took Zhong a while to relax around Phil and Heather- she was so mad at these new people and especially mad that they couldn't understand her Chinese words. But she came around!