Saturday, October 19, 2013

I Need Thee Every Hour

Every night before Luke goes to bed, we pray together and I sing a hymn to him.  It's a wonderful, quiet, cozy end to my day with him, and I love revisiting old hymns and introducing them to him.

Last night I sang, "I Need Thee Every Hour."  It's not one we sing very often in church, but it's very near to my heart.

We had been married for almost two years when David deployed to Iraq.  He was part of an advance group that left, so his departure didn't have any of the pomp and fanfare that some do.  Just a quiet Sunday morning, a brief goodbye, and a waiting van to take him to the airport.

I went to church soon after to practice for worship, and this was one of the songs we sang.  Well, I sang about half of it before I had to leave the stage (during practice, thankfully), but it was a good reminder for the weeks and months ahead.

Our worship leader chose this song when David came home for his R&R, and again when he returned for good a year later.  Even now, years later, it reminds me of both the pain and the joy, and God's steadfast presence through everything. 


  1. What a beautiful arrangement! I looked him up in Amazon--no luck--and then found this Youtube Mix. I be sure and listen next time I have work I can do to music! Thank you for your beautiful post.

  2. My friend sent it to me--I haven't listened to the mix yet, but I plan to!
